Friday, February 8, 2008


I suppose that something so beautiful cannot come easy. I suppose that this is life's little way of saying "Take that, bitch." And so it is with having a baby. Yes he's the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen in my life. Yes he hurt my lover like all hell when he came out. Do we love him all the same? You bet. After all, he didn't create 17 hours of painful hell for his mommy on purpose did he? He was just along for the ride the same way she was. Only her ride was a little more excruciating. But one look into his big blue eyes sure makes it all okay. If only for a moment. Then the pain creeps back in...owwwwww.......

1 comment:

Tim said...

Hope all is well with your family. It is just as hard to overlook their beauty when they are being naughty! Welcome to the world of parenting.