Thursday, January 31, 2008


EDD BS...or Estimated Due Date Bull Shit!!!! It's been 4 days since this baby was supposed to come out.  I know that I am supposed to be enjoying the calm before the storm but that is not me.  I feel like my life is on hold and it's driving me crazy.  I don't want to wait anymore.  I want to start the next part of this life and meet this person that has been kicking the crap out of me for the last few months.  Granted, I have been very lucky and have had quite an easy 10 months.  Besides the leg cramps and occassional feeling of awkwardness that is. But, now, this waiting has been the hardest part....ever!!! We have done the spicy food, the walking, the sex, the primrose oil, etc.  The only thing I have not done is the castor oil and I really really don't want to do that.  So, I guess I will just wait.  Which is what I have been doing for 3 weeks now.  Waiting.  Ahhhhhh.  I nested way to early.  That's what I get for being a super organized person.  

Friday, January 18, 2008

back jack and blog it again...

So here we are again bloggin till we can't stop. With my crazy busy weeks these days it's good to know that Meola and I will always find time to bond when I sit down at the computer. In fact it's like she's magnetized to my lap. The second I sit down there she is. Purring like she's never purred before. She's truly a purr-niac. That's for sure. 
We got some nice snow yesterday. The view from our living room is truly a glorious thing when it snows. Sadly enough it's all but gone now. And I didn't even have time to build me a snow person. I didn't get to build anything politically correct with snow for that matter...drat. Oh well. There's always next time. 

Sunday, January 6, 2008

late night beginnings...

...or should I say early morning endings...Once again I'm up late dorking out on YouTube music videos with my plank in hand. Playing some one on one with the greats of the greats. There was discussion of a blog today. An official T, C, and M blog discussion. A new beginning if you will. An electronic undertaking to the mold of a certain "hip" brother and sister-in-law-in-rad.  And so here we are. Late night/early morning dancing with ones and zeros. Apparently blogs are "all that." However recent studies conclude that "that" is relatively relative.  Oh well. At least we try...